Special license plates have been issued to collectible vehicles since the late 1950s, with the introduction of antique plates in 1957. Since then several more types of collector vehicle plates have been introduced, with the newest type being plates for historic motor vehicles introduced in 2010.

Please note that this page documents the plates themselves; if you're looking for the specific regulations with these plates, please see the page from the WisDOT on this as I only document the schematics, numbering systems, and show image examples of these plates.

This section will include the following plate types:


Antique license plates were first issued in 1957, and are issued to unmodified vehicles over 40 years old. According to the Wisconsin DOT website, they are currently only issued to vehicles manufactured before 1945.

Since antique vehicle plates carry heavy usage restrictions, many vehicles that'd qualify for antique plates get registered with collector plates instead.

Base Variation Ranges
57 57 Format 35
60 Format
LL Slot
UL Slot
Tab Slots
UL Slot
No Tab Slots
UL Keyhole 1411
67 Format
Partial Groove
Full Groove 2868
Partial Groove 3539
Full Groove 4051
80 Wide Font
Border, Slot
Wide Font
Border, No Slot
Wide Font
No Border
Narrow Font 7474
1957 Format Antique
1957 Format
Cody James Corbett
1957 Format Antique
Chris D.
1960 Format Antique
1960 Format
Cody James Corbett
1960 Format Antique
Slot LL
Cody James Corbett
1960 Format Antique
No Tab Slots
Cody James Corbett
1960 Format Antique
Cody James Corbett
1960 Format Antique
Keyhole Slot
Cody James Corbett
1967 Format Antique
67 Format
Cody James Corbett
1967 Format Antique
Full Groove
Cody James Corbett
1967 Format Antique
Partial Groove
Cody James Corbett
1967 Format Antique
Full Groove
Cody James Corbett
1980 Antique
80 Base
Cody James Corbett
1980 Antique
Cody James Corbett
1994 Antique
Narrow Font
Cody James Corbett
1994 Antique
Antique MC Number
Cody James Corbett

Antique Motorcycle

Antique motorcycle plates are very rare. Allegedly, they were issued beginning in 1998, and the act that added the type to the statues was enacted in late 1997.

Unlike other motorcycle types, there isn't a standard size antique motorcycle plate known to exist. In the Wisconsin DOT plate guide, large size plates are still listed, and no small size plates have been found. It isn't known if small size plates have been issued or not.

Base Variation Ranges
98 1 A
Wisconsin Antique Motorcycle Plate
Cody James Corbett


Collector plates are permanent undated plates that were first issued in 1972, and are available for unmodified vehicles 20 years old or older. The usage restrictions on collector plates are much lighter than they are on antique plates.

Base Variation Ranges
72 Border and Slot 5
Border, No Slot Remakes
No Border
Wide Font
Narrow Font 83859
1975 Wisconsin Collector Plate
1975 - 1986
Chris D.
1975 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Different Letter Spacing
Alan I.
1975 Wisconsin Collector Plate, No Top Groove
No Top Groove
Gideon Nicksic
1986 Wisconsin Collector Plate
1986 - 1994
Chris D.
1986 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Gideon Nicksic
1986 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Chris D.
1986 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Alan I.
1986 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Alan I.
1994 Wisconsin Collector Plate
1994 - Present
Cody James Corbett
1994 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Chris D.
1994 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Dale B.
1994 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Chris D.
1994 Wisconsin Collector Plate
Chris D.

Motorcycle Collector

Motorcycle collector plates were likely introduced in 1977. The first plates used a painted border, while later plates used a stepped border like other motorcycle plates of the time.

Three different sequences of plates have been issued, the first being a numeric series running from 9001 to 9999, the second being a single alpha series running from A101 to Z999, then a third sequence running from 1A101 onward. The 1A101 format uses a numbering system where the numbers go from 1A101 to 1A999, then 1B101 to 1B999, and so on, where the first number is currently a constant prefix number. Once 1Z999 is reached, 2A101 will likely be issued.

Like collector plates, motorcycle collector plates use an alpha suffix when multiple motorcycle collector plates are issued to the same registrant.

Base Variation Ranges
77 Debossed Border 9100
Embossed Border A263
No Border
Large Plate
Small Plate G913
1975 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
1981? - 1987
Cody James Corbett
1975 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
DMV Sample
Cody James Corbett
1987 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
1987 - 2002
Cody James Corbett
1987 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
Car Number
Alan I.
1987 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
Color Error
Cody James Corbett
2002 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
2002 - Present
Cody James Corbett
2002 Wisconsin Motorcycle Collector Plate
Overflow Format
Cody James Corbett


Hobbyist plates were first issued in 1976, and are available for modified, reconstructed, or replica vehicles at least 20 years old, or in the case of replica vehicles, resemble vehicles 20 years old or older. Usage restrictions are the same as collector vehicles.

Base Variation Ranges
76 Wide Font
Border, Slot
Wide Font
Border, No Slot
Wide Font
No Border
Narrow Font 1555
1976 Wisconsin Hobbyist Plate
1976 - 1985
Cody James Corbett
1994 Wisconsin Hobbyist Plate
1994 - Present
Cody James Corbett
1994 Wisconsin Hobbyist Plate
Gideon Nicksic
1994 Wisconsin Hobbyist Plate
Cody James Corbett
1994 Wisconsin Hobbyist Plate
Cody James Corbett

Motorcycle Hobbyist

Motorcycle hobbyist plates were issued beginning in July 1994, starting at 9001. After 9999 was exceeded, a 1A11 format was issued.

Base Variation Ranges
94 Large Plate 9001
Small Plate 9447
1994 Wisconsin Motorcycle Hobbyist Plate
1994 - 2002
1994 Wisconsin Motorcycle Hobbyist Plate
Car Number
Cody James Corbett
2002 Wisconsin Motorcycle Hobbyist Plate
2002 - Present
Cody James Corbett

Historic Military Vehicle

Historic Military Vehicle plates were first issued in 2010 to solve problems with people registering their miltary vehicles. Historic military vehicle plates are available for all former U.S. military vehicles, and foreign military vehicles 20 years old or older. Usage restrictions are similar to those of antique vehicle plates.

A small run of plates around the 16000MV block was mistakenly produced; the numbers should have been around 10600MV rather than 16000MV. Reportedly, 50 of these plates with the incorrect numbers were produced and issued.

Base Variation Ranges
10 10005MV
2010 Wisconsin Historic Military Vehicle Plate
Chris D.

Historic Military Motorycle

A very rare plate; the highest number known is number 22 for the series.

Base Variation Ranges
10 1004MV

Vehicle Collector

Vehicle collector plates are passenger plates issued to vehicle collectors who have collector plates on other vehicles. They go on the normal vehicle of the vehicle collector, while the collector plates stay on the antique vehicles.

Created September 30, 2019. Updated May 5, 2024.